Campus News

COVID-19 Disrupts Bethel University Student Summer Jobs

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MISHAWAKA – Every summer, Bethel offers students the opportunity to work full-time on campus. Due to disruptions in normal operations because of lockdowns across the country, there is some uncertainty as to whether these summer job opportunities are still being offered.  

Joe Zappia, Director of the Physical Plant, hires and manages anywhere from 15-40 students every summer. He expects that student jobs will be impacted in the way they operate this semester. He adds that there will likely be a minimum number of students who remain on-campus to work summer jobs due to the early exit of students when classes moved online. He says the Physical Plant still plans to hire students over the summer, though not as many as would be preferred under normal circumstances.  

Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, the way that students perform their jobs in the Physical Plant will be impacted. Social distancing measures are currently in place within the Physical Plant; Zappia plans to have student workers continue following these guidelines throughout the summer. He adds that masks will be worn at all times by all parties when students are working side-by-side with other student workers or staff members as additional protection. After the use of any shared equipment, disinfection is required after use for the safety and comfort of all who use the equipment. Physical Plant internships should see no impact in operation as paid internships are not offered over the summer.  

“At the Physical Plant, our team loves the opportunities we have to train students in many helpful life skills, such as how to fix, clean and maintain houses and buildings,” says Zappia. “The skills student workers learn will be beneficial when they become homeowners. We give them the knowledge and skills to be empowered to maintain and repair things on their own.” 

For more information on summer jobs, visit

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