Campus News

May Term Continues, Moves Online

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MISHAWAKA- With many changes happening around Bethel’s Campus, May term and summer classes have been added to the pile.  

According to Jeanne Fox with the registrar, May term is a 3-week session during the month of May where a student can take one course.  

“The courses meet every day, Monday through Friday, for three weeks,” Fox said. “A three-credit course normally meets 9:00 AM – 11:50 AM each day.” 

With students being sent home in March and decisions being made by the state of Indiana, May term was cancelled to keep Bethel employees and students safe.  

“Unfortunately, this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, May term has been cancelled,” Fox said. “Not knowing the length of the shelter-in-place orders from the state of Indiana and for the safety of our students and Bethel employees, it was necessary to cancel face to face courses in May.”  

However, many have been hard at work to accommodate the change for students with four-year plans. Additional online courses were added to the schedule and were set up for 7-week sessions.  

“Dr. Barb Bellefeuille worked with the academic deans to open up additional online classes in the summer to meet our students’ needs,” Fox said. “Many general education course options are available for our students to meet requirements in the Bethel core.  Bethel is blessed to have faculty who are willing to take on extra courses in the summer to benefit our students in this unprecedented time.” 

The students who had been previously registered for May term were notified of the change and have either dropped their class or have registered for one of the listed online courses.  

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