Campus News

Student Council Concludes Final Meeting of Fall Semester

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MISHAWAKA -- The Bethel Student Council met over Zoom on Monday, Nov. 16, at 9 p.m., for their final meeting of the fall semester.  

After the Council approved last meeting’s minutes, Student Council Treasurer Skyler French briefed everyone about the budget. Of the total $14,500 budget for both semesters, only $284.21 was spent this semester.  

Executive Council President Ray Williams proposed approving funds to create a wall recognizing former and current Student Council members. The wall would feature pictures of the council members and cost $200 to create. Williams said the purpose of the wall would be to give the council more exposure on campus. 

If approved, pictures of the new council members would be added to the wall each year. Adding new pictures to the wall would cost approximately $50 each year.  

The council overwhelmingly voted to approve the motion to create the wall of pictures. Underclassmen President Ashleigh Neier dissented from the rest of the council. 

Williams said he spoke with Bethel Vice President for Administration & Finance and CFO Jerry White, Ph.D. They discussed reinstating the ambassador program, giving students the opportunity to work with campus safety. Bethel is also still in the process of getting two to three cameras for various campus parking lots. 

Council members also debated the possibility of bringing back a student council public relations (PR) position. Williams said they needed someone devoted full-time to running the council’s social media platforms.  

Other members objected, saying that previous PR representatives had little or nothing to do. Multiple members currently share the responsibility of posting on the social media accounts. After nearly 30 minutes of debate, the council decided to chair the discussion. 

Upperclassmen President Hannah Darling said plans for the senior gift are running smoothly. Speaking for underclassmen, Neier said the canned food drive went better than expected. 

In an email to the Beacon, Neier wrote that Manges Hall won the competition, collecting 210 cans. Shupe Hall finished as the runner-up, collecting 143 cans. The council awarded Manges with a $100 cash prize. 

At the conclusion of the meeting, Williams said student development is overseeing finals week study nights. Council members will be meeting with their individual sub-committees during the first week of spring semester classes. 

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