Campus News

Bethel Students Labor for Their Neighbors

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MISHAWAKA--Labor For Your Neighbor is an event hosted by the Service Learning Department that invites students to volunteer their time and assistance to the neighborhoods surrounding campus. On Saturday, April 17, students will rake leaves, paint and assist residents with various needs from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. This event has been held annually, and this is the fourteenth year it has been held. The participants will be split into groups, and each group will have a leader. Some leaders include Shaelynn Boeman, Hannah Lafferty and Jay Blakely. 

Jay Blakely assures interested students that they will be fed. 

“We will be providing snack bags and you will receive a special gift for participating,” Blakely said. 

Students wishing to participate in the event can scan the QR code on the Labor For Your Neighbor flier in order to register. 

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