
Bethel Brings Back Battle of the Bands

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MISHAWAKA—Bethel is bringing back a classic and well-loved event: the Battle of the Bands! Auditions for the event will be on Sept. 19-20 in Kelly Auditorium, and the performance will take place on October 2. The bands will be competing for a variety of prizes, including: cash, assistance with getting their music onto multiple streaming platforms, and the opportunity to join the Worship Arts Department’s trip to Nashville, Tenn. in May 2023 to record their music. 

“There are a lot of opportunities we are trying to provide to students and faculty,” Micah Mann, a student involved with planning the event, said.  

Mann said people outside of the Bethel community are welcome to participate, but at least 50% of each band must consist of Bethel people. 

“Bethel people falls under the category of students, alumni, professors and staff,” Mann said. “The idea is to bring Bethel people together . . . but if you have, say, a drummer you want to work with, but he is not from Bethel it’s ok. Just make sure most of your band is Bethel.” 

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