Campus News

Former BC student recovers after crash

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paula crash
Former Bethel student Jason Richardson’s car after he crashed in Remington, Ind. on Sept. 28. (Photo provided)
“I immediately felt sick when I found out about the accident,” said admission counselor and former Bethel College student, Paula Richardson, about her husband. “I just needed to talk with him so I could make sure that he was okay.” On Monday, Sept. 28, Jason Richardson, a former Bethel College student, was driving through Remington, Ind. when he nodded off at the wheel while following a coworker. His car started to go off the side of the road. According to Paula Richardson, her husband was nervous and when he tried to regain control and over-corrected. She said the gravel was loose which caused him to lose control even more, resulting in his car hitting a pole. “Once he crashed and got control of himself, he said he was so thankful that he was able to get up and walk away from the crash,” she said. Luckily, Jason Richardson didn’t have any major injuries. He walked away with whiplash, bruises to his wrists, ribs and neck, and some scratches. “We feel blessed that these are the only issues he has to deal with,” said Richardson. Jason later joked he was very happy his legs were working so he could still play soccer. Paula and Jason Richardson said they saw God work during and after the accident because Jason survived with only minor injuries. “God was truly looking out for Jason that day,” said Richardson. “He definitely has a bigger purpose for him. We have seen how blessed we really are.” They also said they learned a lot. “We have learned to never take life together for granted and to cherish every moment we have,” said Richardson. “Our lives could be taken from us at any minute, so everything we do needs to have a purpose, which is to glorify Him.” Paula said they realize accidents happen more often than anyone would want. “We are just so thankful that we are here to share the story and hopefully it will cause others to become more aware when they’re driving,” she said.paula crash
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