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Election results are in


The votes are in and results have been declared. The following are just a portion of the offices won in Tuesday’s election: Presidential: Incumbent Democratic candidate Barack Obama has secured another term as President of the United States, with Vice Presiden... More »

‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ review


Shakespeare came to life this weekend as Bethel’s theatre department produced “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” A reproduction of the great comedy, the story interlaces a tale of four lovers, a dispute between fairies, and a lovably unskilled group rehearsing a pla... More »

Sandy’s effect spreads further than her winds


While the threat of Hurricane Sandy has passed, the effects are still being felt across the East Coast and even here at Bethel College. Bethel is home to students from all different areas, including those affected by the storm. Elizabeth Platt is a junior majo... More »

Election Day draws student, faculty responses


Election Day is swiftly approaching, and the presidential candidates of the two major political parties are battling it out over the swing states in the final days before the polls open Tuesday. The Republican nominee, Mitt Romney and running mate Paul Ryan wi... More »

Newsboys concert sells out


Despite what some students believe was a lack of publicity, the Newsboys concert on Sunday, Oct. 14 in Weikamp, sold out. The event, when first announced, seemed like a pretty big deal. The Newsboys, one of the most well-known and influential Christian contemp... More »

Holtgren tackles five Bethel ‘myths’


When stories are passed down from generation to generation within a city, they are known as urban legends. These stories, which often tell a grandiose tale with questionable credibility, can grow and be embellished over the years from one generation to the nex... More »

Capture the flag 2.0: A blog by Kelsey Bucknam


With two iphones and four girls crammed in a Pontiac Grand Prix, my roommates and I cavorted through the paved areas of Bethel, shouting at our driver to “Take a left!” or “Slow down!” What had started as an innocent trip to Sufficient Grounds had turned into ... More »

Students find deals at trendy re-sale store


Clothes litter the closet floor of freshman Brittany Boggs as she searches for an outfit worthy of her date this coming weekend, but without an update her wardrobe seems to be lacking. As a college student Boggs is always low on money and stores at the mall ar... More »

Committee searches for new president


The search for the new Bethel College president is progressing. After current president, Dr. Steven Cramer announced his resignation in August, a committee has been formed to find a replacement. It is the duty of the committee members to find the best qualifie... More »

Professor’s surgery leads to iPad-use study


After Dr. Eric Oglesbee, assistant professor of linguistics, experienced back surgery in the fall 2011, he was faced with a challenge. Unable to carry his books and materials around campus, Oglesbee discovered the iPad. After using the technology of this table... More »