
Shh it’s a secret (Warning: Web site may contain graphic content)

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In chapel a few months ago, Dale and Jonalyn Fincher mentioned the Post-Secret Web site in which people can anonymously send in their darkest secrets via email or by sending in a postcard.

Several students at Bethel have gone on the Web site and read the secrets posted.

"Although some of the secrets are extremely personal and sometimes graphic, I thought it was amazing that so many people had found a therapeutic and creative way to share their problems with others," said senior Amber Wray.

Sophomore Amy Fishbein found the secrets displayed shocking.

"It’s strange to me that one picture can be so serious, like talking about sexual orientation, and then the very next one is about what kind of wrapping paper someone prefers."

Fishbein is a fan of the Web site but would not use it herself.

"I think it’s a great Web site for some because it is a way of expression and letting out your feelings anonymously," she said. "But at the same time, that’s not my way of letting out feelings."

But seniors Amanda Cattell and Amber Wray have considered it.

"I have never sent anything in myself, but have definitely thought about it," said Wray.

Cattell has wanted to send something in for a while.

"But I can’t think of a secret that I would send in," she said.

Wray said the art and how people express themselves is a good outlet for those who need it..

But, "the Web site should not replace personal interaction between people, but it can offer anonymity and security for those who fear being judged," she said.

Wray, Fishbein and Cattell agree and think it’s a good way for people to express themselves and share with others who also may be posting a secret.

"Every Sunday when the new secrets come out, there always seems to be a few about suicide and depression," said Cattell. "Underneath all of these secrets there are anonymous people who comment on the postcards with either encouragement or a story of their own. I think that in itself is a kind of therapy."

For more information go to: http://postsecret.blogspot.com.
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