
Nutshell Question: What are you looking forward to the most this summer?

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Lisa Malkewicz, director of human resources: Warm days, blue skies, green foliage, agility training with my dogs and hikes with the family. Bonnie Woodlee, senior administrative assistant: Enjoying the longer hours of daylight and warmer weather! Dr. Eric Oglesbee, assistant professor of linguistics: Spending time with my family again. That, and popsicles. Mmmm ... popsicles. Tonya Denton, coordinator of corporate and foundation relations: Watching my nieces and nephews play little league, and softball, oh and flowers, lots of flowers to smell! Lori Gonzalez, international students' coordinator for intercultural development: Lily walking. Jalysa Smith, freshman: Sleep! Christy Brink, sophomore: May Term in Hawaii ... Volcanoes and Snorkeling! And class of course. Angela Myers, director of sign language interpreting program: To the arrival of the interpreting department’s newest member-Jenny Carroll’s baby boy! Debra Wyza, computer services: Meeting baby Wyza! Is it a boy or a girl? We don’t know yet. We’ll find out around the end of May. William Cook, sophomore: I'm looking forward to finding a summer job because the school cut mine out. Becky Aldridge, office of development: Warmer weather, working outdoors and a change of pace. Bethany Aldrich, sophomore: I'm looking forward to going home to Ohio and being able to work at the world's best amusement park for 12 straight years. Cedar Point! JennMoya, sophomore: Internship with Experience Missions to Costa Rica! I don't know what God has in stored for me, but I can't wait and see. Oh, and my parents 25th anniversary celebration in July in Mexico. Josh Lutz, sophomore: Swinging in my hammock like a pendulum under a pair of thick maples while sipping an iced lemonade, accompanied by the sweet sound of Cold Play... aaaaaahhhh! Brooke Victor, freshman: My trip to the DR with the Task Force Team Tim Swope, sophomore: World Cup. Vamos Argentina! Janelle Peak, sophomore: I'm looking forward most to getting married at the end of May and going to Jamaica. Dr. Robert Myers, assistant professor of math: My wife and I are celebrating our tenth anniversary with a two-week trip to Europe! Emily Dilley, junior: Going to Ireland for six weeks with Olivia Johanan! Jessica Steensma, freshman: Not having a community bathroom. Ali Douglas, freshman: I am looking forward to spending time with my friends and family! And if everything goes as planned, my best friend and I are going out to LA to visit my uncle! Kassie MacKay, freshman: Being with my family and seeing all my friends from home 🙂 Ashlee Stanley, freshman: Working at Deepriver Waterpark as a lifeguard and playing softball for my summer league! Kaitlin McLaughlin, junior: The beach, the sun, a family vacation, warm days, fun with friends, fireflies, and watching the stars with my boyfriend Matthew. David Smith, freshman: Getting an awesome farmer's tan! Nara Lee, freshman: See my mom, eat foods that my friends will never want to eat, drink teas that my friends will never want to try, see Asians every day, not having to speak English every day, feel completely Asian again. Basically, going home! Charity Lane, senior: Going on a mission trip with my dad before moving to Virginia in the fall for grad school. Chelsea Davidson, freshman: The day after school gets out I leave for Mexico for 10 days. Then I come back for about a month and go to Nicaragua for two weeks. A month later my family is going to Hawaii for two weeks. I don't know which I am most excited for. I guess everything! Nakita De Hoyos, junior: I am getting married June 4th! Ryan Walter, sophomore: Getting married! Justine Domke, junior: It's a tough choice between seeing my parents and seeing my cat, but I do think seeing my parents will win out since they miss me and the cat doesn't. Chase Ringler, freshman: Making money, relaxing from school, seeing my family and going to “Toy Story 3!” Dori Walterhouse, sophomore: Learning the art of tissue culture and running PCR on cDNA. Anna Welsh, softball coach: Enjoying the red banner! Darryl Mitchell, senior: I'm looking forward to finishing up my last few classes so I can get my B.A. in Organizational Management and preparing for my MBA Lindsay Stork, freshman: Picking one of my Best friends, Julia, who lives in Berlin Germany up from the airport, and spending a whole month with her this summer! I can't wait! Maria Faith Bangcong, freshman: Going to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado!
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