Campus News

Benton house prepares for annual root beer kegger party

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Benton House residents intend to continue the tradition of hosting their annual root beer kegger party this Saturday (photo by
This Saturday evening the guys of Benton House will be hosting the annual root beer kegger party. The festivities will start around 9 p.m and will feature the famous kegger as well as music and various games such as cornhole and hillbilly golf. Last year the party reached a crowd of about 125 people and the Benton boys hope to have a similar turnout this year. “My brother Robby threw the party last year and now it is my turn,” said junior Rosten Hamman, the R.A. for Benton House, “This is tradition here at Bethel. I hope to have another successful year, and many more to come.” The residents of Benton are preparing for this weekend’s big event by keeping the house clean for their guests. The guys are also gathering music and games as well as trying to get the word out on the Bethel campus in hopes for another great turnout. “I’m looking forward to having all the Bethel folks over. It’s my first year living in Benton so being part of the Benton House party should be an extra good time this year,” stated junior Josh Winningham. So head on out to Benton house this weekend, located right next to the campus bookstore, for a Bethel tradition that is sure to last for years to come.
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