Bethel offers a formal mentoring program for students, but there are also many informal mentoring relationships that evolve on campus (photo by Yonathan Moya).Here at Bethel, mentoring is a big part of the community and of Bethel’s emphasis on service and discipleship. There are roughly 100 people involved in mentoring relationships on campus that have been recorded. Many more relationships have been established off-the-record. Students can be mentored by their peers as well as by a member of the faculty or staff. A chapel focused on the mentoring program usually follows Spiritual Emphasis Week. Students are then able to fill out an information card or can email the mentoring group. Students can list whether they are in a current relationship or are planning to pursue a relationship. Students who do not have someone in mind will have the chance to fill out a profile which will help them get matched with someone appropriate. There is a training meeting for those interested in being mentors that focuses on teaching the mentors to add their own personality to the relationship but also to remember to emphasize spiritual growth. “This is an avenue for students to get involved that isn’t too intimidating and isn’t a huge commitment. An hour every week or so isn’t much but it can really change lives,” said Melody Rensberger, Assistant Spiritual Life Director here at Bethel. Rensberger goes on to explain that these relationships can help those involved to realize that they are not alone and that they have someone to stand by them in the good times and the bad. “I’ve been committed to discipleship for over 30 years and see investing in the lives of others as part of our calling as Christians,” said John Dendiu, Associate Professor of Religion and Bible, when asked why he is involved with the mentoring program. Debbie Jones, one of the missionaries in residence at Bethel, prefers to call the mentoring program “discipleship.” Jones chose to get involved in part because she has been able to benefit from mentoring relationships over the years and wanted to help provide that opportunity for others. She has been involved in mentoring on campus for 12 years. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or being mentored, you can send an email to
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