Campus News

Bethel blood drive reaches goal

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On Thursday, Oct. 8, Bethel College hosted a blood drive with the American Red Cross.
Bethel College paired with American Red Cross on Thursday Oct. 8, 2010 for a blood drive at Goodman Gym. The blood drive took place from 10:45 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Throughout the day the gym was packed with Bethel students, professors and people from our community taking action to save lives. There was a total of 125 total units given, which met the goal that Coordinator, Jon Rogers, and Assistant Coordinator, Danielle Reilly, had set. “I thought the blood drive was an overall success, said Reilly. “Everything went according to plan and we even made the goal.” Head Softball Coach, Anna Welsh, and Head Baseball Coach, Seth Zartman made sure that there teams took action in the blood drive. The softball team was there the entire day working the blood drive and everyone that was able to give, donated blood. “Coach Welsh and Coach Zartman were a huge reason the blood drive was such a success. They always encourage their teams to be a part of the blood drive each year,” said Danielle Reilly. Coach Welsh was very pleased with her team for donating their time and blood to such a great cause. “It was so great to see Danielle recruit all the blood donors and to see how passionate she was to help save lives,” said Welsh. “The rest of the team rallied around her. Everyone helped in whatever capacity they could and it was a true team effort. I was really proud of everyone and so excited to see that Danielle met her goal of 125 units.” The blood that goes to The American Red Cross is donated to wherever it is needed, not just locally. There will be a smaller blood drive in December, followed by another one in the spring that is expected to be just as big as this one. The goal for the year is 360 units from Bethel College.
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