www.beachvolleyballpedia.com Bethel junior Rosten Hamman is what you might call the school's intramural volleyball czar. Every Tuesday night you’ll find him at Goodman Gymnasium, keeping the games running smoothly. “I am in charge of setting up the volleyball equipment, as well as the break down, and putting away of the equipment,” said Hamman. “I also am responsible for making sure that everyone that wants to play gets a chance to play.” Hamman arrives 15 minutes early to set up the volleyball nets. “Around 9:00 we open up with prayer and we divide guys and girls and number off,” said Hamman. “Once the teams are split up each team plays a game to 25.” When both courts finish their game, the process begins again. “We end around 11,” said Hamman. “After people leave, we start the putting away phase. I am out of Goodman by 11:15.” While volleyball is Hamman’s only intramural job responsibility, he enjoys the other sports as well. “I have participated in Sand Volleyball, Futsol, 3 on 3, and 5 on 5 basketball, and any other sports they have,” he said. “The only sport I do not participate in is Football, and that is because I have tennis to worry about and I do not want to get hurt.” Students participate in these lower commitment sporting endeavors for many reasons. Hamman enjoys the flexibility provided to students who want to participate in sports, but may have demanding schedules. “There are no set teams ahead of time, so if your schedule allows you to come, you can come,” said Hamman. “We usually get 7 or 8 games in a night. People are able to come and go as they please.” Intramurals allow students to have a smaller commitment, while still enjoying friendly competition in sports they love. “I am very competitive, and I love the competition,” said Hamman. He has observed that the level of competition varies each week. “Most nights the competition is very high,” he said. “Most people who come know how to play. I think the high competition makes intramurals fun! That is generally the same with all sports, not only volleyball.” The set up of the intramural program also allows for contact with new people. “My favorite aspect about intramural volleyball is the fact that anyone can come,” said Hamman. “I love interacting with friends, and students I have never met here at Bethel.” Hamman has found intramurals to be a memorable experience so far. “My most memorable intramural moments are usually from volleyball and people getting hit in the head by a spike, or running into walls,” he said. “Personally, my most memorable moment was when we lost in 3 on 3 in the championship game my freshmen year; I did not like the outcome but it was a lot of fun!” Flag football, volleyball, and ultimate Frisbee are currently in season. While the flag football and volleyball teams conclude their season this week, ultimate Frisbee will still take place on Tuesday nights at the intramural field, commencing at 9 pm. Volleyball will continue taking place in Goodman Gymnasium on Tuesday nights at 9 pm, as well. Later on in the year, three-on-three basketball is also offered. To participate students must sign-up with a team. Registration will be online soon at http://www.bethelcollege.edu/studentlife/intramurals/.
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