Every college student has had to make some adjustments in order to make the transition to college life. Some have to get used to living away from home while others simply have to learn how to juggle their new work loads. For many, the adjust to college life is made easier because they have had several years of experience of class time and homework. But what about those who don't have the traditional school experience? Several Bethel students never attended school before college started, at least not in the way most students have. They were homeschooled, some never even entering a classroom setting, while others took classes at local high schools or colleges. They were taught by their parents, their guardians or some even by teachers on DVDs. Their classmates were their siblings and some attended class in their pajamas. But once they enrolled at Bethel, they had to learn to adapt to college life just like everyone else. "I would not say that any part of adjusting to college was necessarily hard, yet it was different," said junior Faith Anderson, who was homeschooled. "I was not used to have friends around 24/7, thus it was hard to prioritize my work and social life." Anderson, who made the decision to live on campus, enjoys having the opportunity to build relationships with the girls she lives with and finds it easier to get homework done on campus. She also admits that it has been hard to adjust to college food. "Because I have grown up on healthy food and organic food, my body took a while to adjust to normal food," said Anderson. Anderson also explained that her family had to adjust to her leaving as well. Her mom used to call her daily and her younger sister had to get used to her absence as well. Anderson said that her relationship to her family has gotten better because now their time together is more special. Aaron Stewart, sophomore, was also homeschooled. Stewart is the third child in his family to attend Bethel. "My parents are pros at this," said Stewart. Contrary to popular belief, not every homeschooler is easily recognizable. Many of them had as much social interaction growing up as those who attended public schools. However, as Anderson and Stewart recognize, there are still some homeschool stereotypes. "I find most people's reactions to finding out I was homeschooled amusing," said Anderson. "Most people respond by saying 'you have got to be lying!'"