Malaria No More is an organization fighting to halt Malaria’s death toll in Africa. The organization raises funds for malaria-stricken countries to help equip them with some basic tools to combat a very preventable disease. Junior Hannah Miller and senior Danielle Bernhardt discovered their mutual concern for the plight of those affected by malaria and decided to join Malaria No More’s cause. In conjunction with Dr. Drury, the ladies are seeking to raise awareness on Bethel’s campus by establishing a club and fundraising for mosquito nets. “The World Health Organization calls it the number one health problem in the world,” shared Miller (even over AIDS). She went on to explain that many people simply don’t realize the magnitude of the problem. By the end of 2010, Malaria No More hopes to provide mosquito nets for all those in Africa at risk for malaria. Each net they send can cover three to five people. Ten dollars purchases a net and one hundred percent of the proceeds go directly towards malaria relief. Miller shared that those who make donations can track nets en-route to their destinations. Malaria infects more than 250 million people each year. In Africa, more children under age five die from Malaria than they do from any other single disease. It kills one child every 45 seconds. Bethel students are joining forces with Malaria No More to provide relief from the ravaging effects of the disease. ___
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