Campus News

Toaster Trouble

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The broken toaster in the Acorn has been a source of frustration to students.
It’s the best of times at the Acorn; it’s the worst of times at the Acorn. Anyone who visited the Acorn this semester knows they might very well find the toaster not working. “All I want for Christmas is for the toaster at the Acorn to work,” said junior Nathan Herrmann. Herrmann who works for the acorn mentioned it makes customers disgruntled and to him this is disheartening. However, Herrmann said it’s more of an inconvenience than anything else. Having to inform customers the toaster is indefinitely out of order and not being able to toast sandwiches is not good for business. "I think it's ridiculous that they can't figure out how to keep a toaster oven working," said junior Bekah Basinger. She also added, "It just makes me irritated." What happened to the Acorn’s beloved toaster? “The actual toasting part stopped moving,” said Acorn employee Adam Forester. However, he did mention he was not really sure of the extent of the toasters problems. When asked if he knew when the toaster would be fixed Forester said, “That is a question none of us know.” He also said he thought the toaster might not work until we get a new one. “The toaster is an old one and finally broke down and we have put in a request in for a new one,” said Lorena Erdel who works for Bethel’s Food Services department. For now, all toaster lovers will just have to wait and hope Santa brings a toaster to the Acorn this Christmas.
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