Campus News

Chapel band auditions coming soon

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Bethel College Chapel Band auditions are just around the corner. The auditions are held each year in April for the following school year. There are positions open for an acoustic guitarist, a piano keyboardist, and two vocalists for next semester. “When people audition, what I’m looking for is authenticity and excellence,” said Shawn Holtgren, leader of the Bethel College Chapel Band, “An authentic relationship with Jesus on and off the stage, and excellence in their craft.” Holtgren said that his favorite verse exemplifies the sort of band member he is looking for: “It’s Psalm 78, verse 72, and it says, ‘And David shepherded them with integrity of heart and skillful hands.’” He also added he doesn’t typically put incoming freshman in the band. Those interested in joining the band can email Holtgren to get an application. He is looking for leaders and band members for alternate chapel as well.
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