Campus News

Revival on Bethel’s campus

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Students share their testimonies during an extended Chapel service on Wednesday, Feb. 16.(Photo by Joe Hutchinson)
Has a fresh flood of revival swept over the campus of Bethel College? On Wednesday, Feb. 16 chapel started as usual at 10 a.m. The speaker was Jeff Kling, a former Bethel student who flunked out of school and found God later in his life after a fight with cancer. It was an inspirational message that seemed to set the stage for what was about to happen. Near what normally would have been the end of chapel Bethel’s Senior Vice President Dennis Engbrecht encouraged students to remain and share what God was doing in their lives. Almost immediately students began lining up to pour out their hearts and they did so  for several hours. Students lined both sides of the chapel waiting for extended periods of time for a chance to share what God had placed on their hearts. A handful of students even took turns leading worship at various times throughout the day. “I really I have no power here it's up to you guys,” said Professor Ted Bryant as he encouraged students to take ownership of what God was doing on campus. “Do not fall to the lie here that after what has happened here things will be easy,” added Bryant. Revival was on the lips and thoughts of many in the Bethel College community throughout the day. That evening Vespers was moved from the Octorium to the Everest-Rohr Chapel building due to the day’s events. Junior Dustin Heath spoke at Vespers and challenged students to allow the Holy Spirit to move them into action. Heath said individual change must occur for revival to be experienced. Could Wednesday's events be the spark of a campus wide renewal? Time will tell.
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