Water. It is such a simple concept. Here at Bethel it's easy to get it. you can walk to the sink, shower or any of the many drinking fountains on campus. However, many around the world don't have these options. They don't have clean water, or any water available to them. That is the reason a group of students on campus is working with an organization called Charity Water. The group originally started as the Benton House Bible study. They say they felt being called to do something more. Their goal is to rasie $5000 to donate to Charity Water. It's money that will help put in a well where people need it. " The group evolved out of the Benton House Bible study," said Josh Winningham, the group leader. "It is currently an official group on campus and anyone is free to join." Winningham said raising the money will be difficult. The members of the group have been encouraged to do fundraising on their own. Students can help by donating any money to the project. "If everyone gives a little, we can do a lot," said Winningham. " First, they can give of themselves, even if it is only change. Or, maybe they can give up going to a movie or out to dinner one week and give to charity." As of March 1 the group had raised $800. Their goal is to raise enough money to put in one well by the end of the semester. You can find out more about this project on the group's blog. bccharitywater.tumblr.com. the Charity Water website is located at charitywater.org.