Campus News

All-day worship service held on campus

 -  -  40

Bethel College held the first “Worship Watch,” on March 31. The service, which lasted 24 hours in length, ended with corporate worship. Nearly 120 attended the meeting throughout the course of the day, while 40 met at the end of the service to worship collectively. “I saw tears shed, people on their knees, and heard stories of people reconciling,” said Robby Rasbaugh, the chief event organizer, “Sounds like a miniature version of what went down on February 16 at chapel.” Rasbaugh drew inspiration from a visit to the “International House of Prayer” in Kansas City. He brought the idea back with him and decided to host a service here at Bethel College. “My favorite part was being able to watch some of the underclassmen develop their skills in facilitating worship,” Rasbaugh said, “We had the help of over 35 worship leaders, and watching each of them grow in their talents makes it all worthwhile for me.”
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