Campus News

Former housing and office building demolished on campus

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Bethel clears space on campus by demolishing a triple-wide modular building. The building was located across the street from Sailor-Hall.

Mobile office building on campus being demolished. (photo by Josh Winningham)
The mobile office building was acquired from Purdue University in 1995. “They had used it for two years as a temporary building during the construction of a new building on their campus,” said physical plant Director Steve Yaw. Originally the mobile home was brought to Bethel to house students. After its arrival on Bethel’s campus it was transformed from its original purpose, as an office building, to house 20 students. The building during this time was named Eastwood Annex. “We used it as housing for four years until Sailor Hall was built then it was converted to office space,” said Yaw. After Sailor Hall was built, the radio studio, The Beacon, and Helm occupied the building. In addition, the Academic Support Department and Bethel’s counseling services have utilized the building at times. However, the building has not been occupied recently because of its poor condition. “The building fell into disrepair and suffered from an infestation of animals living underneath it along with major roof leaks that prevented it from being occupied,” remarked Yaw. So what is next for this new open area created by the removal of this building? “Long term plans for the area have not yet been approved,” said Yaw. “For now we are just seeding the area in grass.”  
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