Campus News

Service Day to be held on Oct. 4

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On Tuesday Oct. 4 students have an opportunity to serve in the Bethel community in many ways. “Some students will be working outside doing yard work, painting, trash pick-up, or clearing out brush,” said Tammy Kreis, student worker for Service Learning. “There are also students who will be doing a variety of indoor work such as filing, organizing, moving boxes, cleaning, or painting.” Students will be meeting in the Everest/Rohrer Chapel at 8:30a.m. for a devotional; then buses will take them to their various locations. At around 1p.m. students will return back to campus and will be free for the day. “We hope that students will see the value in serving the community in the name of Christ,” said Kreis. “Hopefully students will be able to build relationships with the surrounding organizations and find places that they are interested in helping with again.” According to Kreis the organizations the school is matched with are excited for students to help. “Most of the organizations participated in previous years and know the quality of work that comes with Bethel students, so we are excited to see what God has in store for this year,” said Kreis.
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