Campus News

Additional chapel band takes to the stage

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Those in attendance at Bethel College’s chapel services may have recently noticed a change in style of praise and worship music as a new chapel band took to the stage. The band, called Gospel Chapel Band by many, consists of Zach Gillis, CeCe Marshall, Kelsey Arntzon, Danika Pettis, Alex Gonzales, Turrell O’Neal and Johnny Santos. Others will come in and out of the lineup throughout the school year. The musicians will play a couple times a month, with a slightly different style of music than the already-existing Chapel Band. “It has more of a Gospel flavor, whereas the Chapel Band is more CCM,” said Dr. Shawn Holtgren, Chapel Band leader. CCM is an abbreviation standing for Contemporary Christian Music. The band was put together in order to help students “experience God in a way that connects with them,” according to Holtgren.  He also stated that he thinks it’s beneficial for the majority of students to get a different perspective on praise music. “It lifts us beyond our own preferences,” said Holtgren. “It lifts us beyond our consumer perspective.” The band first played as a whole at a rehearsal earlier in the school year. “With all of our different talents God just fit them all together and the sound was wonderful!” said Danika Pettis. “I am truly grateful for each and every member and their dedication. We're just answering Gods calling!” Pettis stated that the Multi Ethnic Resource Team has been trying to incorporate the new chapel band idea for some time. “The main benefit is to expand the worship experience overall with different styles of music and bring unity,” said Pettis. “We’re not keeping God in a box anymore!”  
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