Campus News

Rhema Project

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Inside the relatively safe “Bethel bubble” most students have never personally felt the effects of female infanticide, sex determinations feticide, or discrimination against baby girls. Sadly, this reality is all too real in India. The United Nations estimated that these atrocities affect 50 million girls in India.
The Rhema Project is trying to end female infanticide, sex determination feticide and other forms of discrimination against girls in India. (photo from the Rhema Project)
Junior Trisha Miller, after hearing about the problems facing girls in India decided to be a part of the resolution. Miller has formed a group on campus with 10 other students from Bethel that are partnering with an organization called the Rhema Project. The project’s founder Dan Blacketor travelled to India following the Christmas Day tsunami in 2004 and experienced the disaster first hand. However, it was not until 2009 when Blacketor met a little girl named “Rhema” that this project really began. Blacketor saved Rhema’s life with only eight dollars. After his experience with Rhema, Blacketor realized there was a way he could help prevent infanticide and help other baby girls like Rhema and so began the Rhema Project. Miller along with her team members are trying to recruit students to help assist the Rhema Project during service day on Oct. 4. “Our leadership group is also brainstorming fundraising ideas so we can help fund girls in India receive an education and therefore be saved from a cycle of abuse and discrimination by their people and country,” added Miller. The Rhema Project group on campus is currently trying to raise funds for the Rhema project. In addition, they are also attempting to start an internship program to India. The group is looking for individuals interested in helping out with the project. Those interesting in more information or if you would like to get involved can email
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