
“Super 8” lives up to expectations

 -  -  41

Having heard very positive statements made about J.J. Abram’s movie, “Super 8,” I was excited to finally get the chance to watch it over this last weekend. The movie lived up to the reviews I’d heard and read, despite a few perceived flaws. It is a PG-13 Sci-fi thriller. The movie begins set in 1979, following a group of preteen boys working on creating a home-made movie about zombies. The boys are soon confronted with something a bit more intense than they’d bargained for after sneaking out to film a scene next to a train station. In a scene that can only be described as visually stunning, the movie quickly caught my interest. From there the story is a glimpse into the life of the lead role, a boy by the name of Joe Lamb, (played by Joel Courtney) and his struggle to make sense of his mother’s death, friendships, and the strange encounters he and his friends are having. Overall, I would say the movie was worthwhile, and an enjoyable watch. Despite a few cheesy lines and hard-to-believe moments, the movie didn’t fail to impress. The dialogue as a whole was humorous and filled with wit. The special effects were mesmerizing, and the characters were likable. For these observations, I would give “Super 8” 3.5 out of 5 stars. It is definitely worth watching if you get the chance.
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