Campus News

New scholarship changes coming to 2012-13 school year

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Bethel College has recently announced that there will be changes made to the current Missionary Church Scholarship Grant and that an Alumni Legacy Award will be established for the 2012-13 school year. The Missionary Church Scholarship is for Bethel students who attend a Missionary Church and have received a reference from a pastor. Currently, Bethel agrees to match up to $600 annually that the church provides for its students. During the 2012-13 school year, Bethel has agreed to match up to $1,000 a year for a total of $2,000. This is a significant change for Bethel students, as they could potentially receive $8,000 over the course of four years. While it is required that students live on-campus to receive this grant, Bethel has agreed to match up to $500 for students living off-campus. In addition to the new Missionary Church Scholarship changes, there will also be a new award given to students whose parents or grandparents attended Bethel College named the Alumni Legacy Award. This award is in the amount of $1,500 annually and is renewable over four years for a total of $6,000. There is no doubt that this will have an immediate impact on Bethel students. “I think it is great that Bethel is finally recognizing students of alumni,” said sophomore Darcy Brenneman. “Both of my parents went to Bethel as well as my older brothers, it's kind of a family tradition.” Overall, these two changes will not only have a significant impact on students attending Bethel, but on the enrollment as well. Bethel has made a tremendous effort throughout the years to attract Missionary Church students and offspring of alumni and this will continue to make them an attractive option to these types of families.
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