Campus News

Will young Americans vote?

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With the New Hampshire primary already begun, the GOP candidates are hopeful to finish well in the nation’s second caucus. Romney is highly favored to win in New Hampshire, but others, such as Rick Santorum and Ron Paul are still in the running for second place.  Paul has been described as the candidate of choice for many young republicans. According to Anderson Cooper’s blog on, Paul “had the support of more than half the voters under age 30,” based on entrance polls. These young voters are targeted by some presidential hopefuls, but the question has been raised as to how many young adults are voting. Zach VanHuisen, a freshman at Bethel, believes that the subject is two-sided, stating that some “know little about who or what they’re voting for or just don’t care,” while others “are now more concerned for our government, so they make an effort to be informed and vote.” However, VanHuisen believes that less people will vote in the upcoming election. “I think it’s less these days,” said VanHuisen. “Fewer people seem to care.” Freshman Rachel Stover agreed. “I think they vote less because government has gotten a lot more complicated, and people don’t want to know what’s going on,” said Stover. She echoed VanHuisen's concern that people have simply lost interest in politics. She added she will be voting in the upcoming presidential election but not in the primary.
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