Campus News

Bethel launches annual campus-wide manhunt

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Assassins have been assigned names, weapons are being distributed and stress levels are rising as Bethel launches its annual Ambush event. Ambush starts Mar. 5 after Chapel and continues until only one survivor remains.
Students, faculty and staff begin to prepare and strategize in effort to survive the annual Ambush event set to launch Mar. 5.
Ambush is a tradition on campus in which students, faculty and staff can participate. Each person who signs-up is issued a squirt gun and the name of a person who they are to “assassinate.” Once an assassin eliminates their person, they refocus their efforts on their victim's assigned person. This is junior Caleb Hadden’s first year of participating in Ambush. “I’ve seen how much fun everybody has had partaking in it," said Hadden, "so I thought I’d give it a shot.” Unlike Hadden, senior Leah Smith is a veteran in the game. “I want to really try and do well since I have a chill class load,” Smith said. “The best part is the disguises. In the past I became lazy and got out way too easily.” Smith isn’t the only one hoping to perform better. Junior Andrew Staal hopes to make it farther this year as well; he claims to have never made it past 12 hours. “This is my year to conquer,” said Staal. “I am a Staal. Staal’s don’t give up. This is my year; kind of like the Cubs, except I am going to win. So not like the Cubs.” Ambush packets with first assignments and squirt guns can be picked up in the Student Development office in the Huffman Administration Building.
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