Campus News

Commie Awards return to center stage

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It’s that time again! The Bethel College communication department is rolling out the red carpet for a night of fun, friends and fancy outfits. The 3rd annual Commie Awards are fast approaching. Students all over campus are filming and putting the final touches on their videos for the award ceremony on October 25, 2012 at 7:30 pm. Students who have attended the awards before can expect a few changed from previous years. This year not only is the Foundations of Communication class planning the event, but also the awards are being held in the Dinning Commons. “The DC is more synonymous with campus,” said Theo Williams, Foundations of Communication professor. “Having it the classroom, it has that feel of ‘here is this communication thing in a classroom.’ Whereas we want to say, ‘No this is a campus thing, a social thing’.” Those who attended last year will remember the theme was awkward videos. This year, the theme is ‘Timeless’. To help students understand what that means, the Foundations of Communication class has divided ‘Timeless’ into three eras: Vintage, which covers the 1920’s-40’s; Retro; which covers 1950’s-70’s; Old School, which covers 1980’s-90’s. “We chose this (theme) as a class,” said freshman Andrew Cary. “It was something we all liked and thought would be cool. We thought there were a lot of options.” There are three categories of videos for students to make. Students can make a mock news story, a music video, or short film. Each video will be made in the style of one of the eras. It is up to the students to interpret how that is executed. All video submissions are due to Williams by Oct. 17 for judging. The Foundations of Communications class is getting a lot of hands on Public Relations experience planning, promoting and hosting the event. “Each year, in Foundations, they have some type of project anyway,” said Williams. “We thought this would be an excellent project to do to not only learn about public relations, persuasion, and comm. theory, but to be able to apply it.” Depending on how this year’s Commie Awards go, future Foundations in Communications classes can look forward to planning the event. The Communication Professors’ goal is to continually make the Commies bigger and better each year. “Last year they brought in about 50 people,” said Senior Kaitlin McLaughlin. “This year, they want to make it a more campus wide event. The goal is to bring in at least 100 people to the DC. You come, you dress up, and you treat it like the Academy Awards.”
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