
Stuff my prof says

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If you’ve ever taken a class with Beth McLaughlin, you know Skippy. In fact, all Comm majors are well acquainted with Beth’s friend Skippy. Skippy is a man of many talents. He’s a salesman, a college graduate applying for a job, a little kid that won’t share his toys. In short, Skippy is Beth’s token name for any—and every—example. Whenever she reaches for a name, you know it’s Skippy. But Beth is not the only teacher with a catchphrase. Ask Theo Williams about his word, “skeebiewobbies.” And any time Dr. Oglesbee finds himself in a rabbit hole, he segues back on topic with a quick, “And that’s for free.” We all have those funny moments in class where you just had to be there. Some of those make great stories and that’s what I’m sharing with you. I have amassed a few quotes from classes that are too good to keep to myself, so I am starting Stuff My Prof Says (a spin off for those of you familiar with the lesser Bethical version). Please feel free to share your own. Email Nutshell@BethelCollege.edu with funny quotes from professors. Please include their name and the class. Here are a few to get started: “I decide to be a skinny person, but then I get hungry again.” –Beth McLaughlin, Interpersonal Communication “When I’m in a restaurant and the waitress asks me, ‘Are you finished?’ I answer, ‘No. I’m Welsh and German.’” –Duane Beals, New Testament Literature “Fear of flying- the only way to get over that is to fly. Fear of drowning- only way to get over that is to drown. Wait… Don’t do that.” –Theo Williams, Foundations of Communication  
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