It was a beautiful day for the second annual Bethelon, which made for a great event. Thirty-four students came out to participate in the adventure race on Sunday, April 13. With obstacles like the “Bear Crawl” and “Backpedaling Race” it made for an interesting course. “So the Bethelon started off with the idea as just an obstacle course or like a tough mudder without destroying too much campus we kind of resorted to more of an obstacle course or event based,” said Reed Lyons Director of Campus Activities. “So last year we started with just a partnership between Buff Club and campus activities and we had twelve events that we ran and then this year we have included Black Student Fellowship, BUILD in addition and so we have twenty events this year.” Last year’s Bethelon was the first adventure race they have ever had before. With 47 students coming out to race it got pretty competitive. The winner from the women’s division had decided to participate this year as well. “Last year I took first for the women I think it was kind of a small turn out because it was the first year and I wasn’t excepting to win or anything, but it was really fun,” said senior Danielle Tepper. “ My sister dragged me out here, we had a track met yesterday so I am pretty sore from that but I decided to come out and support, and I mean free shirt so that’s a pretty good motivator.” Each group that Campus Activities partnered up with was in charge of coming up with an obstacle in the race and had to help monitor it. Many first time competitors came out to take part in the event, and others had other motives participating in the event. “I am getting extra credit,” said sophomore Kristina Dik. “I just have to participate in a race for my Nutrition class so this counts as a race.” “I just felt like doing it,” said sophomore Quin Geans. The campus wide adventure race started at 3 p.m. behind Oakwood and continued around campus until the contestants finished again behind Oakwood, and the top twenty finishers in each gender division were awarded T-shirts. The overall winner was Bethel student Josh Brenneman.