As finals week is coming upon us, the stress in each student has risen to concerning levels. It seems that there is no escape to the restless nights, the notes to read and the slide shows to review. Due to these high levels of stress, every year the Learning Commons puts on special events to give students a break from finals and studying.
Here is the schedule for activities during finals week. 1) The tutoring schedule for Final Exam week is now up. Spots are limited; so sign up soon: The Learning Commons will open early on Sunday, at 3 pm, if you’re looking for a place to study. 2) The link to sign up for 10-minute massages (Monday, April 30, 12:30-4:30 pm) is: 3) A dog will be available for petting in the Center for Academic Success (AC 033) on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of Finals Week (May 1-3). Come in any day between 8-5 to pet her and lower your blood pressure. 4) Friendly cats will be available for petting on the first floor of the AC on Tuesday, May 1, from 2-4 pm (sorry, no kittens this semester). 5) Check out some of the following activities, in/around the Learning Commons Sunday-Wednesday:- “Wall of Memes”
- Bubble wrap wall
- Puzzle table (Sudoku, jigsaw, crossword)
- Sidewalk chalk (Monday)
- Slime station (Tuesday)
- Bubble station Wednesday)