
The Nutshell “What do you think about changing the school’s name from Bethel College to Bethel University?”

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We asked Bethel students what they thought about changing the school’s name from Bethel College to Bethel University. Here were some comments: 

Bryant Kerns - Freshmen, “I just don’t see the point.”  Kayla Maike - Junior, “I don’t like it.”   Emily Dobson - Senior, “It feels a little awkward because the school is small, but I get why they’re doing it.”   Gui - Alumni, “It’s necessary, it’s a strategic move. They get more funds and grants but it’ll be different not seeing it around.”  Howie Cable - Adult Student: “I like it”  Dr. Dave Schmidt: “I think I expected it. It’s been a long time in discussion. I for one like Bethel College, but I’m proud of the school.”  Michel Cartwright - Junior: “I like the change, I think it’ll be good. It’ll be interesting to see what they do with the students because everything is embroidered with BC. But it’ll be good. I like it.”  Bethany Mullet - Junior: “I’m really pumped to be the first class to graduate from it.”  Sydney Sprunger - Junior: “I’m really excited to be the first people to graduate from it.”  Kayla Rundquist - Senior: “I’m upset because I’m graduating right before it happens.”  Carlie Johnson - Sophomore: “I really couldn’t care less.”  Jacey Hendershot - Sophomore: “I couldn’t care less.”  Lauren Lounsbury - Adult Student: “I don’t really have an opinion because I’m graduating this year and it doesn’t affect me, but good for them.” 
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