Due to the break-ins that happened earlier this semester (and the recent Instagram trip robbery), the Beacon reached out to Campus Safety to find out some ways that students on campus can be safer. The break-ins mainly occurred towards the end of September and the beginning of October. There were two main nights in which 25 cars were broken into.
Until this year, there have been about two or three break-ins a year. Most of the cars were unlocked and one was even stolen. The group responsible was caught on Notre Dame’s campus attempting to do the same thing. They were in possession of the stolen car. Since they were caught there have been no other reported break-ins.
The Beacon met with Paul Neel, director of Campus Safety, to hear what he had to say about preventative measures and staying safe on and off campus. Neel spoke extensively about how to prevent break-ins and ways they can be avoided. “If you like it, lock it,” Neel quoted a previous teacher. He said sarcastically that a great way to keep break-ins from occurring is to lock the car. Hiding valuables is also a good way to keep thieves from being interested. “The people doing these break-ins are looking for a quick hit, hiding valuables and laptop cords are great ways to make them move on,” said Neel. Another thing the Beacon asked Neel about was how to stay safe off campus. Neel said that a big part of off-campus safety was keeping people involved in your plans and where you are. He also spoke about how helpful groups are for safety. “It also helps to know the area you’ll be in,” said the director. Neel also spoke a bit about staying safe on campus. He said that Campus Safety can offer rides back to dorms from places on campus. He asked all students to report suspicious activity to the campus safety office. The number for Campus Safety is (574) 807-7500.