Bethel’s Partnership with Salvation Army: Providing a “Wonderful Life” to Kids in St. Joe County
MISHAWAKA, IND.—Bethel’s theatre department announced they would be partnering with the Salvation Army to raise support for children in St. Joseph County who are in need.
The theatre department decided to perform “It’s a Wonderful Life” last December and thought it would be a good idea to pair with a community organization to help with their Christmas-based efforts.
“We also felt as a theatre department that we really do have ‘A Wonderful Life’. And to be able to help those we can in our community would be a blessing both to those receiving and those giving,” Barb Franklin said about the motivation behind the choice. The theatre department reached out to the Salvation Army to see what they could do to help. The Salvation Army replied that the dates the play was going to be happening coincided with the kick off for red kettle collections. The theatre department asked if the Salvation Army could put red kettles at the performances to give the community a chance to reach out to people in need. “The Salvation Army was happy that we would want to help,” said Franklin about receiving the Salvation Army’s blessing. The funds will go directly to purchasing hats, mittens, and warm socks to the children in St. Joseph County who are in need. The items will be packaged in angel tree boxes and shipped out before Christmas.