Campus News

Writing for Coffee

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MISHAWAKA, IND.—Bethel’s very own, The Crossings, is hosting a weekly contest. The Crossings is a student managed journal that posts student-created pieces.  

The Crossings is accepting a variety of mediums including (but not limited to) fiction and non-fiction literary pieces, photography, paintings, photos of sculptures, recorded literature, videos of spoken word poetry, short films, and ASL fiction/non-fiction pieces.  

The Crossings is hosting the “Prompt a Week” challenge. They post a prompt on their website, Facebook account and Twitter account and the student body is encouraged to respond.   The winner of this contest will receive a free coffee from Sufficient Grounds Café. They accept new submissions every week and look forward to hearing from new students. Submissions are to be sent in via email at All formats of creativity are welcome!
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