Student Life

Babe Week 2019 Re­cap

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MISHAWAKA—This past week, girls all over cam­pus gath­ered for cup­cake dec­o­rat­ing, mat­tress surf­ing and many more ac­tiv­i­ties in cel­e­bra­tion of Babe Week.  

“Babe Week is an in­ten­tional ef­fort to bring the women on cam­pus to­gether,” said Jes­sica Lyons, the res­i­dent di­rec­tor for Tuckey Hall, “There is an el­e­ment of en­cour­ag­ing girls to put away their phones and step away from other dis­trac­tions to be able to join to­gether and en­cour­age each other by spend­ing time with each other.” 

Babe Week is a great time for ladies to un­plug from their every­day lives and busy sched­ules to be able to con­nect with each other and en­joy a va­ri­ety of ac­tiv­i­ties.  

This year’s theme was, “Mak­ing your­self at home” with a fo­cus on hos­pi­tal­ity. The week in­volved learn­ing about invit­ing oth­ers into your space, time, and world, and mak­ing room for oth­ers. There were events held to cel­e­brate Babe Week every night of the week, some as dorm events and oth­ers for ladies all over cam­pus.  

“Babe Week is a time we can fo­cus on God and com­mu­nity and the peo­ple clos­est to us in our lives. We can step back from dis­trac­tions and in­ten­tion­ally spend time to­gether and get to know one an­other more,” said Halee Gaff, a stu­dent on cam­pus and a par­tic­i­pant in the ac­tiv­i­ties of Babe Week. 

Over­all, par­tic­i­pants of Babe Week en­joyed a great time of fel­low­ship and an en­cour­ag­ing break from the nor­mal day-to-day life of a col­lege stu­dent.