Campus News

Bethel College Holds GO conference

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Mishawaka – The Bethel College GO Conference occurred this week.  Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors will remember that the conference used to be called WCAC – World Christian Action Conference. Right before the conference began, the Beacon was able to sit down with John Kaehr, head of Spiritual Development.   

“The spirit of WCAC lives on in the GO Conference. WCAC had always been about how Bethel Students could minister and share the love of Christ around the world and in their hometown. Shawn and I got to thinking, you know, what’s a good action verb that goes with that? So, we renamed the conference GO and refocused it more on how to fulfill the great commission.” 

This year, Bethel brings back pastor Jonathan Brooks from Spiritual Emphasis Week and skyped in two Bethel Alumni missionary couples to discuss how to minister in our local communities and around the world.  This week students were encouraged to take part in meals with international alumni and staff. Bethel will also be hosting an optional service project at St. Paul’s on Saturday, Feb. 2.  

Going forwards, John Kaehr hopes that the GO Conference will encourage “...student engagement. We want students to engage their Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the ends of the world. Two, I want students to encounter Jesus. We want them to follow the mission that the Holy Spirit calls you to, weather that’s right here in Mishawaka or across the world. If you look at Matthew 28, the Great Commission starts with go and doesn’t stop.”

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