Campus News

Upcoming Faith and International Development Conference

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MISHAWAKA—On February 7th through the 9th Bethel College student Makayla Reimer will be leading a trip to attend the Faith and International Development Conference. The conference will be held at Calvin college in Grand Rapids, MI.  

“It is a place where one can get connected after college.” said Makayla Reimer, a student here at Bethel. The conference is unique in the fact that it is student organized and lead. Bethel has been sending students to this event for roughly eight years. 

The conference will focus on global issues such as becoming aware of the world around us and how we can better preserve it. There are many different development programs that students will have the possibility of joining or interning for, this includes international organizations and graduate schools. Students will also have the ability this year to bring a resume and apply for internships.  

Bethel will provide transportation for students that would like to attend the conference. If a student is interested, one must simply register online at and email Makayla Reimer at so that they will know how many vehicles need to be provided for transportation. If you have any questions about transportation or the event, you can contact Makayla Reimer. 

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