
“What are your plans for Spring Break?”

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MISHAWAKA— Welcome back to the Nutshell! Each week, the Beacon staff poses a question to you, the Bethel student body, and publishes your answers. 

This week we asked you: What are your plans for Spring Break? 

Christina Bilyak – Freshman, “I’m probably going to go home and work, then on the ninth I have a modeling show I’m helping with.” 

Elizabeth Coogan – Freshman, “I’m actually not going anywhere for Spring Break; I’m actually living off-campus with my brother and sister-in-law, so I’ll just hang out with them, and I guess catch up on stuff.” 

Lori Stutzman – Assistant Professor of Business, “My husband and I are going on a cruise to the Caribbean.”  

Joshua Searsy – Sophomore, “Probably work, write some papers, get ahead on work for school.” 

Hannah Darling – Sophomore, “I’m going to Arizona with the softball team; we have a tournament down there.” 

Skye Robinson – Freshman, “I’m actually doing, so far, field work for my education classes, so I’ll be working with kids then, and just work.” 

Morgan Lain – Freshman, “Probably just going to take some time and relax.” 

Allison Tubaugh – Senior, “I might be travelling to Florida, otherwise I’ll probably just stay at home.” 

Rebekah Bontrager – Junior, “Honestly, I’m going to work and I’m going to catch up on as much homework for the rest of the semester as I can.” 

Keith Koteskey – Assistant Professor of Christian Ministries, “My plans for Spring Break are two-fold; I plan to grade first drafts of research papers that students in my Senior Seminary Christian Ministry class will be turning in right before Spring Break, so that I can hand those back after Spring Break and they’ll be able to benefit from the feedback on that for their final draft, and then the other piece is I’m working on writing my own dissertation for my Doctor of Ministry program, and I’m working on chapter two so I will be doing a lot of writing on my own big research paper.” 

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