Campus News

Campus Safety Update

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MISHAWAKA—Last week there was a report of a theft from a vehicle. The theft took place March 13th in the Founder’s parking lot. The vehicle, belonging to a student, had been left unlocked. This serves as a good reminder to keep vehicles locked, and valuables in a secure area. Other than that, no other events have been recorded.

Paul Neel, the Director of Campus Safety, has a few words of advice to students, “With Spring officially here on the calendar, I would like to point out two things: one, warmer weather means more people out and about. Never feel bad or delay in calling Campus Safety about anyone or anything that seems suspicious. Two, if you like it, lock it! This includes dorm rooms, vehicles, as well as leaving items unattended in hallways, lounges, SG, DC, study rooms, etcetera”

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