Campus News

Severe Weather Preparedness

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Next week (March 17-23) is severe weather preparedness week.  Throughout the week we will be sharing information about being prepared for various types of severe weather, the types of communication you may receive, how to respond to weather events, and how this connects to our overall campus emergency plan.  

Please be aware that there will be a statewide tornado drill on Tuesday the 19th at 10:15 am.  You will hear the community sirens, hear test messages on radio and TV, and will likely receive test alerts from organizations you may have signed up with.  We will not be sending a PILOT ALERT for this test. We are planning a full system test later this spring. If the weather is not appropriate on Tuesday they will reschedule the test for Wednesday, the 20th.  

More information on personal weather preparedness can be found at Weather Ready Nation.

Original post by Paul Neel, Fri, March 15 2019

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