Campus News

A Sneak Peek at Commencement

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MISHAWAKA—As Commencement nears, there are a few things for students to look forward to during this graduation season.

The Commencement speaker for this year will be Ian Lightcap. Lightcap and his wife are both Bethel alum.

“Ian Lightcap was a Bethel College FYE block mentor, speaker of the student senate, and resident assistant. In 2003 he graduated from Bethel with a double-major in Science Education and Chemistry. Ian taught at Clay High School for three years. He obtained his PH. D. in Chemistry from the University of Notre Dame, and in 2012 was recipient of the “Outstanding Graduate Student” award. Ian’s research has spanned many fields including nuclear waste containment, improved catalysts for renewable energy applications, and new sensors for the detection of chemical weapons and explosives. Ian currently serves as one of our four principle leaders of the Center for Sustainable Energy at Notre Dame (ND Energy), as the Research and Facilities Program Director of the Materials Characterization Facility. Under his direction, the facility has grown from 30 to 250 active researchers, in both academia and industry, and from 11 to over 25 analytical instruments. In 2015, he was the recipient of the University of Notre Dame’s Presidential Achievement Award for Excellence,” said Susan Williams, administrative assistant to VP of academic services.

There will be two ceremonies taking place on May 4. The ceremony for the Adult and Graduate Studies students will be taking place at 10 A.M. The ceremony for the traditional graduating students will follow at 5 P.M. Both of the ceremonies will last about 90 minutes. The Nursing Departments pinning ceremony will be taking place in the Everest-Roher Chapel at 1 P.M.

All the graduates will be required to attend the rehearsal ceremonies in the Everest-Roher Chapel. The rehearsal for the 10 A.M. ceremony will take place at 9 A.M. and the rehearsal for the 5 P. M. ceremony will take place at 4 P.M.

More details about Commencement are available here

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