Campus News

A Look at Bethel’s Tech Teams

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MISHAWAKA-- Every production on Bethel’s stages involves a plethora of people working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly. For chapel and theatre, a portion of those people comprise the tech teams. 

Bryan Jackson, a junior double majoring in Engineering Management and Intercultural Studies, works for the chapel tech team. 

“I do mostly the sound,” said Jackson. “I’ve done visual and graphics and stuff like that too, but usually I just do the sound for chapel and for Vespers.” 

Jackson has been in the sound booth since his freshman year; he said that the hardest part is usually making sure that everything is set and ready to go, but after that it’s easy.  

“It’s just making sure that the stuff reaches and connects and everything,” said Jackson. 

Jackson loves watching people’s responses to the worship services.  

“I enjoy... getting to do the job well and seeing people respond to worship in that way,” said Jackson. 

If anyone is interested in helping, Jackson said they would be more than welcome. 

“Just contact Stacy Bone,” said Jackson, “and then we could start them off wherever they want, they could just click the PowerPoint slides if they wanted to start off with.” 

Macy Young, a junior theatre arts major, is on the tech team for the upcoming production of “Three Sisters”; tech week for the production began Wednesday night, Sept. 18. 

“Tech week is a really hard week for a lot of people,” said Young. “We’re combining a lot of elements that we’ve been talking about for months… it’s a lot of combined effort.” 

Young added that rehearsals during tech week are much longer than normal. 

“Usually they run from six to midnight on Thursday and Friday,” said Young, “and then Saturday sometimes we’ll do a 10 of 12, which means we’re scheduled for 12 hours but technically we only work 10 because we have to take union breaks.” 

Young also talked about some of the many responsibilities of the tech team. 

“The tech team is normally in charge of lighting and sound,” said Young. “You can also be a painter, which is what I usually do. Painters usually work around everyone else, they fit into all the cracks of the schedule. So sometimes I’ll paint from after rehearsal at 11:00 until 2:00 in the morning.” 

If you are interested in helping with the theatre tech team, Young said to contact the chair of the theatre department, Don Hunter. 

Young concluded by encouraging people to come and enjoy “Three Sisters.” 

“Come see the show,” said Young. 

“Three Sisters” will run from Sept. 26-28 in the Kelly Auditorium. 

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