Campus News

Light­ing Strikes Cam­pus

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MISHAWAKA -- On Thurs­day, Sept. 12, light­ning struck Bethel, re­sult­ing in some tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties across the cam­pus. 

Late Thurs­day night, the Mishawaka area ex­pe­ri­enced thun­der and light­ning show­ers.  

Around 11 P.M., stu­dents across cam­pus minded their own busi­ness as they pro­cras­ti­nated on home­work. 

When the bolt of light­ning hit the tree be­tween the Ad­mis­sions Build­ing and the Good­man Gym­na­sium, it caused a va­ri­ety of prob­lems for our cam­pus tech­nol­ogy of­fice and re­sulted in a lot of com­mo­tion, specif­i­cally in the Shupe dorms.  

An anony­mous res­i­den­tial stu­dent said that is was “the loud­est clap of thun­der [they] have ever heard!”.  

At this point, WIFI was dis­con­nected and no one was able to re­con­nect their de­vices.  

The tech­nol­ogy of­fice said that af­ter the light­ning struck, they re­ceived a lot of no­ti­fi­ca­tions about prob­lems they were start­ing to have from net­works go­ing down, to ac­cess cards be­ing de­nied in the ath­letic build­ings.  

Cameron Mat­te­son, from the Tech­nol­ogy Of­fice, said that of­fices in some build­ings were af­fected, and that, “…some things needed to be re­placed, and [they’re] try­ing to get a con­trac­tor to come in and work on it…”.  

The light­ning and thun­der that night def­i­nitely spiced up a reg­u­lar Thurs­day night for some stu­dents. While for oth­ers have caused a va­ri­ety of prob­lems, soon to be solved.