
What is your opinion of Spiritual Emphasis Week?

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MISHAWAKA—Welcome back to the Nutshell! This is where the Beacon staff poses a question to you, the student body, and publishes your answers.  

This week we asked you: What is your opinion of Spiritual Emphasis Week? 

“As a senior student at Bethel, I have seen several spiritual emphasis weeks. Through my time here, I have seen how spiritual emphasis week has impacted me and others around me. I have personally been impacted and encouraged in my faith through the word of Nirup this past spiritual emphasis week. I have always looked forward to spiritual emphasis week and this year’s has been one of my favorites.” 

“I’m indifferent about this week. On one hand I can see it being a good thing, but on the other hand I see it as a waste of time.” 

“I think it should not be mandatory and I also feel that it’s ridiculous to bump chapel skips up to 2 for the week.” 

“I feel like spiritual emphasis week is a great opportunity for people who want to take advantage of it, but I also think that people who don't want to attend the extra chapels shouldn't be forced to.” 

“I think it’s good for the general bethel populace.” 

“I really am enjoying spiritual emphasis week. I think the speaker is talking about many topics that really need to be addressed in our generation.”  

"Spiritual Emphasis week can be great or mediocre depending on the speaker. I typically find the speakers to be a bit more captivating than our average speakers. However, reflecting back on previous spiritual emphasis weeks, they just feel like another mandated chapel." 

“Spiritual Emphasis week could be really amazing, and some years it has even been quite good. The problem is that there is little to no buy-in from many students which can really hinder the good things about the week and can turn it into a chore.” 

“Spiritual emphasis week has been really amazing this year. In past years it has been a little difficult to feel all in, but I’m really loving it this year.” 

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