Campus News

Bethel Boys Celebrate Dude Week

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MISHAWAKA – Dude Week has arrived, meaning that all the boys’ dorms on campus are about to get a lot more rambunctious. 

The Dude Week dates this year are Feb. 10-14. During this time, the residents of Oakwood-Slater Hall, Manges Hall and Founder’s Village will be participating in an electronics cleanse; no computers, televisions or video games are permitted, and only minimal use of phones is allowed. Granted, this is optional for these residents because several of them are taking courses that require the use of electronics, and the minimal use of phones simply means no social media. However, all residents are highly encouraged to participate by their RA’s. 

In addition to the electronics cleanse, Dude Week consists of several events for the participants, including resident trivia nights, when residents of the dorms answer questions about their RA’s in a Jeopardy-style setting. The twist for the event is this: the boys aren’t allowed to answer questions concerning the RA of their hall – only the other RA’s are fair game. Furthermore, the RA’s participate as well, but with higher stakes: if the questions are answered correctly, they’re safe; however, if they answer a question incorrectly, they are to be submitted to any number of sinister punishments devised by the others. 

Water Pong is another of the games that will be played. Oakwood-Slater Hall is having a tournament for the Bethical version of this college-staple; each hall has two teams of two to represent them, and they will all compete for honor and glory by throwing ping pong balls at Solo cups filled with water. 

Oakwood-Slater is also having a dorm-wide Bible study in place of the weekly hall Bible studies. To compensate for the larger crowd, the Bible study will be held in AC 342 at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday. As with all the Dude Week events, each hall will earn points based on the percentage of their hall that is present. 

There will also be dorm vs. dorm sporting events: soccer, football and basketball are all on the docket for the boys to compete in and earn their hall even more points. 

The goal of all of this is for the eponymous “dudes” on campus to grow closer as a community; by eliminating distractions like electronics and gathering all of them into events that will foster an atmosphere of competition and camaraderie, the hope is that all of these guys meet new people, make new friends and develop a new sense of community, both as young men and as Christians. 

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