Campus News

Campus Safety Update

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MISHAWAKA—With most students being off campus because of the recent outbreak of coronavirus, activity on campus has dwindled significantly. However, there are still a few things to report in terms of campus safety. 

There was a vehicle accident in the Middleton parking lot reported on March 13. No further information has been provided. 

On March 18, a maintenance emergency was reported. The emergency turned out to be a minor gas leak on the construction site of the welcome center. 

There was also a report of a suspicious activity/individual outside of Sailor Hall on March 19. 

 Paul Neel, the Director of Campus Safety, commented on what their role is on campus in light of the corona virus.  

“Our main role in Campus Safety remains largely the same,” Neel said. “There is certainly a different rhythm with different building hours and less students on campus.  We are heavily involved with the campus Emergency Management Team.  That group is still meeting regularly and actively working with the Cabinet to respond to the ever-changing situation.” 

It is advised for students, especially those who continue to remain on campus, to continue to check their emails for updates concerning this situation. There have been specific guidelines emailed to students who have chosen to remain on campus. 

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