
Wellness Center Offers Online Counseling

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MISHAWAKA – While Bethel University has suspended in-person classes and meetings until the end of the school year, the Wellness Center has continued offering counseling services online for Bethel students. The Wellness Center reports they are seeing only about half of the students they were seeing prior to being forced to move online, but they are thankful for those who have decided to continue counseling remotely as well as those who have recently begun counseling from home.  

The Wellness Center is noticing students handling COVID-19 and the changes related to it in a variety of ways. They recognize that while everyone is stressed to some extent, everyone is working hard to figure out our “new normal.” They also recognize that this transition has been more difficult for students with weak or non-existent internet access, poor cell phone reception, financial difficulties due to job losses, those experiencing difficulty staying connected with family and friends, and those with stresses due to living in close quarters in isolation. 

“Students are also working very hard to keep up with classes, often in the face of internet problems, confusing procedures, lack of the usual in-person contact with professors and peers which, of course, has until COVID, been an essential part of education,” stated the Wellness Center. “Depending on a variety of factors, this is somewhat easier for some students than others; overall, Bethel students are a phenomenal group who are trying very hard to make the best of things, to continue course work online, keep relationships strong, find support and give it to others, and look forward with hope.” 

Office hours are Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. For students who are interested in online counseling but may be concerned about the security of an online program, the Wellness Center is currently using a website called Doxy.Me to conduct counseling sessions. Doxy.Me is HIPPA compliant, private and secure for students. Online counseling sessions may be conducted by phone if a video session is not possible. If a student would like to meet with a counselor, or if they simply have questions, they may contact the Wellness Center office at (574) 807 7370 or email Robin Dykes, office manager, at Robin.Dykes@BethelUniversity.edu.   

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