Campus News

Housekeeping Staff Works Hard to Keep Us Safe

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MISHAWAKA--The pandemic has impacted students’ lives in both classrooms and dorms. This means stricter cleaning procedures and keeping a safe distance from fellow students and staff; specifically, students are expected to pick one seat in the classroom and sit in that seat all semester for accurate contact tracing. They are strongly encouraged to make use of hand sanitizer stations located at most entry ways to buildings around campus. Students should also use the provided disinfectant wipes to clean the surface of their desks upon entry and exit of each classroom.  

Students are to complete the health self-assessment checklist on the Bethel smart phone app before their first class each day. If they check any box on the list, they must follow the instructions provided. Any student who encounters someone experiencing symptoms or the virus itself will be quarantined. While in quarantine, they are expected to watch each of their classes via Zoom from their dorms or homes and keep in contact with the campus nurse. 

 There were also plexiglass barriers installed in classrooms that do not allow adequate distance between students at tables. Joe Zappia, Bethel’s physical plant director, said these barriers were built in-house. The construction and installation began one month before the start of school and they are finishing up the project now. 

Students are expected to keep themselves and their areas sanitized, but the house keeping staff have also greatly increased cleaning procedures.  

“There’s always been challenges, but our housekeeping staff is the busiest they’ve ever been,” Zappia said. A cleaning company was hired to sanitize the campus every evening. They are working from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m.  to ensure a safe learning space. 

They are also the ones supplying each building with hand sanitizing stations. The housekeeping staff is working hard to ensure that students can still gain an education during these trying times and students are encouraged to show their appreciation when they see them working around campus.  

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